350 rub

Journal №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Mineral composition of the herb teas intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system
P.B. Lubsandorzhieva - Ph.D.(Pharm.), Senior Scientific Researcher, Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS (Ulan-Ude). E-mail: bpun-sic@mail.ru
T.D. Dargaeva - Dr.Sc.(Pharm.), Chief Researcher, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Aromatic Plants RAS (Moscow)
The microelement composition of 3 herb teas is studied: anti-ulcerogenic tea, hypolipidemic tea, hepatoprotective tea by spectrasl method. Toxic elements (Cd, As, Hg) are not found and the contents of biogenic microelements in herb teas does not exceed admissible consumption levels.
Content of biogenic elements in anti-ulcerogenic herb tea is (mkg/g): Fe - 333,05; Cu - 5,32; Zn ? < 6,66; Mn - 0,0999;
Mo ? < 0,1998; Cr - 3,33; Si ? > 6,66; P ? > 1,998; Mg - 5,32. Content of elements Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ca, which play an important role in the development and treatment of gastric ulcer, complements the set of biologically active substances in the anti-ulcerogenic herb tea required to achieve a therapeutic effect.
Deficiencies of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Se, Cr conjugate with increased incidence of diseases of nearly all groups, including lipid metabolism. The content of these elements in the hypolipidemic herb tea decreases in the order: Fe> Mn> Ca = Zn> Cu> Mg> Cr, but not exceed the allowable daily intake.
As known the content of Zn, Cu necessary for normal functioning of the antioxidant system is reduced and content of toxic elements (Cd, Pb, Sn) is increased in liver damage. Content of 27 macro- and microelements is determined in hepatoprotective herb tea. Content of biogenic elements in herb tea is: Fe - 0,483 mg/g, Cu - 0,012 mg/g, Zn - 0,008 mg/g, Mn - 0,161 mg/g, Mo - 0,32 mkg/g, Cr - 2,415 mkg/g.
Pages: 10-13
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