Articles by keyword дополнительный код
Methodological apparatus for detecting and correcting errors in information processing devices in communication and telecommunications systems

A.A. Pavlov1, A.N. Tsarkov2, Yu. A. Romanenko3, I.I. Korneev4, A.Yu. Romanenko5, M.I. Makeev6, F.A. Pavlov7

1, 3, 4, 6, 7 Serpukhov Branch of Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces Peter the Great
(Serpukhov, Moscow Region, Russia)

2, 5 ANO “Institute of Engineering Physics” (Serpukhov, Moscow Region, Russia)

Use of information redundancy to increase the reliability of devices for storing, processing and transmitting information

A.A. Pavlov1, A.N. Tsarkov2, Yu.А. Romanenko3, V.P. Pashintsev4, A.Yu. Romanenko5, M.I. Makeev6, F.A. Pavlov7

1,3,5-7 Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces n.a. Peter the Great (branch in Serpukhov) (Serpukhov, Russia)

2 Autonomous non-profit organization "Institute of Engineering Physics" (ANO "IIF") (Serpukhov, Russia)

4 North Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Digital Development (Stavrapol, Russia)

1; 2,3,5,6; 4; 7