Articles by keyword биотестирование
Change in Motor Activity of Spirostomum Ambiguum after Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation as a Bioassay
J.V.Igolkina, E.I Sarapultseva, V.A.Litovchenko
Violations of Movement Function in Unicellular Aquatic with Low Radio-Frequency Effects: Experiments on the Infusoria Spirostomum ambiguum, Irradiated at a Frequency of Mobile Communication (1 GHz) for Different Values of Energy Flux Density
E. Sarapultseva, J. Igolkina
Dependence of the Biological Hazards of Low Radio-Frequency Effects from the Energy Flux Density: Experiments to the Spirostomum ambiguum, Irradiated at a Frequency of 10 GHz
Yu.V. Igolkina, E.I. Sarapultseva, A.V. Litovchenko
The Analysis of Cytostatic And Anticancer Activity of the New Hestogen Buterol by Use of The Cancer Cells Culture As the Test-System
E.V. Odintsova, T.A. Fedotcheva, N.L. Shimanovskii, V.V. Banin