Articles by keyword биодеструкция
Nanostructuring of polymers surfaces with the use of ion-plasma technologies for improvement of their antibacterial properties
V.M. Elinson - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Russian State Technological University by K.E. Tsiolkovsky «MATI», Moscow A.N. Lyamin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Russian State Technological University by K.E. Tsiolkovsky «MATI», Moscow P.A. Schur- Research Scientist, Russian State Technological University by K.E.Tsiolkovsky "MATI", Moscow B.S. Khaziev - Research Scientist, Russian State Technological University by K.E. Tsiolkovsky «MATI», Moscow
Study of biodegradation cefazolin by the microorganisms of the activated sludge by liquid chromatography
R.V. Shafigulin - Ph.D. (Chem.), Associated Professor, Department of Physical Chemistry and Chromatography, Samara State University. E-mail Z.E. Mashchenko - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associated Professor, Department of Technology of Food roduction and Perfumes and Cosmetic Products, Samara State Technical University. E-mail M.V. Somova - Magistr, Department of Physical Chemistry and Chromatography, Samara State University. E-mail A.V. Bulanova - Dr. Sc. (Chem.), Professor, Department of Physical Chemistry and Chromatography, Samara State University. E-mail I.F. Shatalaev - Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head of the Chemistry Department of Pharmaceutical Faculty, the Chemistry Department of Pharmaceutical Faculty, Samara State Medical University. E-mail P.G. Mizinа - Dr. Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, FGBNU «All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants». E-mail