Articles by keyword активные формы
Photophysical Processes that Determine the Biological and Therapeutic Activity of Ultraviolet Irradiation for Autotransfused Blood
G.A. Zalesskaya, O.V. Laskina
Effect of Exstracorporeal Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation on Lipid Metabolism in Patients with Acute Coronare Syndrome
G.A. Zalesskaya, O.V. Laskina, N.P. Mitkovskaya, V.V. Kirkovsky
Research of air ions sedimentation process on the upper respiratory tracts walls of the person during airionic therapy
V.A. Karpuhin, Y.I. Zotov, E.D. Krukova
In vivo blood photomodification by therapeutic doses of optical radiation: dependence on individual parameters of patient blood oxygenation
G.A. Zalesskaya
Decrease in chemically induced DNA damage in rat blood leukocytes due to the use of the «useful sun» strategy
A.B. Gapeev, L.I. Fakhranurova, S.I. Paskevich, A.A. Manokhin, S.V. Gudkov, N.B. Simonova, M.S. Vakshtein, R.N. Khramov
Changes in the levels of second Cа<sup>2+</sup> and NO messengers in human lymphocytes in a generation reactive oxygen condition
M.A. Nakvasina, O.V. Lidokhova, V.G. Artyukhov
Targeting active forms
Yu.N. Lapygin - Dr. Sc. (Econom.), Professor, Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch). E-mail:
D.Yu. Lapygin - Ph. D. (Econom.), Associate Professor, Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch). E-mail:
The principles of the active forms
Yu. N. Lapygin - Dr. Sc. (Econom.), Professor, Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch). E-mail:
D. Yu. Lapygin - Ph. D. (Econom.), Associate Professor, Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch). E-mail: