350 rub

Journal №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Changes in the levels of second Cа<sup>2+</sup> and NO messengers in human lymphocytes in a generation reactive oxygen condition
M.A. Nakvasina, O.V. Lidokhova, V.G. Artyukhov
It is found that the effect of Н2О2, ОН - and 1О2 on the lymphocytes in peripheral donors blood causes a statistically significant increase in calcium levels into the cell as compared with that in intact immunocytes.
It is established that increasing the Ca2+ concentration is due to release of calcium into the cytosol from intracellular stores, entry of calcium through calcium channels medium inhibited by verapamil, and in «defects» of plasma membrane due to its oxidative modification of ROS.
The interrelation between the functioning of the tyrosine kinase and phosphoinositide communication systems of lymphocytes in exogenous generation of reactive oxygen species is revealed.
Statistically significant increasing of nitrites level in relative to the control in human lymphocytes at 24 hours after exposure of Н2О2, 1О2 and ОН - is detected, that indicate the ability to activate of NO-synthase in lymphocytes and forming of nitric oxide after exogenous generation of reactive oxygen species.
Scheme of the possible physical and chemical processes in lymphocytes induced by exposure to ROS-mediated Ca2 + and NO and lead to changes in the functional properties of immune cells is proposed.
Pages: 17-23
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