Articles by keyword эллиптическая кривая
Algebraic approaches to developing algorithms for coding of alphabet by the points of an elliptic curve
N. I. Chervaykov, M. G. Babenko
Security features of electronic passport using elliptic curve cryptography
Le Xuan Duc
Development of pseudorandom number generators on the elliptic curve points based on modular neural networks
N.I. Chervyakov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia. E-mail:
M.G. Babenko - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia. E-mail:
A.A. Kolyada - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Main Research Scientist, Laboratory of Specialized Computer Systems, A.N. Sevchenko Institute of Applied Physical Problems of Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus. E-mail:
A.V. Lavrinenko - Engineer, Department of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling, North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia. E-mail: