Articles by keyword миллиметровые электромагнитные волны
The Influence of Coherent Electromagnetic Waves of Millimeter Range on the Properties of the DNA Solutions
Babayan Yu. S., Tadevosyan A.A., Kanaryan G. L., Kalantaryan V. P., Babayan S.Yu., Vardevanyan P. H
Effect of non thermal coherent irradiation in millimeter diapason on DNA structure of tumorous tissue in vivo
S.N. Hakobyan - Ph.D.(Biol.), Associate Professor, Yerevan State University
Radiothermal radiation method for aqueous solutions

L.A. Morozova1, S.V. Savel’ev2

1,2 Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Fryazino, Russia)