Articles by keyword mobile information group
A method for increasing the reliability of information received by a multi-position mobile information group

S.A. Skachkov1, O.N. Andreeva2, I.L. Zhbanov3, I.E. Alexanyan4, L.V. Kazantseva5, L.M. Zheleznyak6

1,3,4 VA VPO RF Armed Forces named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky (Smolensk, Russia)

2 JSC "Concern" Morinsis-Agat "(Moscow, Russia)

5,6 RTU MIREA (Moscow, Russia)

An indicator of the effectiveness of the use of a mobile information group

S.A. Skachkov¹, O.N. Andreeva², I.L. Zhbanov³, I.E. Aleksanyan⁴, S.Kh. Ekshembiev⁵, V.V. Pyatkin

¹³⁴Vasilevsky Military Academy of Air Defense Forces RF (Smolensk, Russia),
²⁵JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow, Russia), ⁶RTU MIREA (Moscow, Russia)