Articles by keyword controllers
The synthesis of fuzzy controllers on the base MATLAB
G. N. Arsen-ev, A. A. Shalygin
Intelligent system for vehicle-s speed stabilization
S.E. Buznikov, P.V. Tambulatov
Principles of formation of the telematic platform for intellectual transport systems
V. N. Efanov, L. R. Sayapova
Development of a glove controller for interacting with virtual reality objects

D.L. Ovchinnikov1, A.Y. Tychkov2, D.S. Chernushov3, A.D. Ivanov4, R.V. Zolotarev5, A.D. Sashina6

1–4, 6 Penza State University (Penza, Russia)

5 TSEM LLC (Penza, Russia)