Articles by keyword a false alarm
Nonlinear algorithm of detection of signal with unknown amplitude and times of appearing and disappearing
А.P. Trifonov, Yu.E. Korchagin, P.A. Kondratovich
Signal detection with rician fading
V.P. Pashintsev, A.F. Chipiga, V.A. Galkina, A.A. Smirnov
Characteristics of maximally probable detection of radio signals monopulse detectors-direction finders with antenna system of an arbitrary configuration
M.L. Artyomov - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), associate professor, deputy director of JSC «Sozvezdie «Concern» representative office - head of «EW and special communication» STC. E-mail:
S.G. Borisov - the chief 403 military representations of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
M.P. Slichenko - Ph.D. (Ph.-Math.), senior scientific employee of the Public Corporation «Concern «Sozvezdie». E-mail: