350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Characteristics of maximally probable detection of radio signals monopulse detectors-direction finders with antenna system of an arbitrary configuration
M.L. Artyomov - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), associate professor, deputy director of JSC «Sozvezdie «Concern» representative office - head of «EW and special communication» STC. E-mail: artemov@sozvezdie.su
S.G. Borisov - the chief 403 military representations of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
M.P. Slichenko - Ph.D. (Ph.-Math.), senior scientific employee of the Public Corporation «Concern «Sozvezdie». E-mail: asp2010@mail.ru
Article is devoted a conclusion of analytical expressions for probability of a false alarm and the signal admission at maximally probable detection and direction finding several frequency-inseparable flat radio-waves. It is shown that the decision statistics of detection are representable as the form of the sum of the square-law forms constructed on measured complex ranges of stress on yields of elements of antenna system. The template of the square-law form is projective. With use of the device of one-dimensional characteristic functions it is shown that the solving statistics has a hi-square allocation with number of the degrees of freedom, equal to product of number of found radio-waves on number of measurements. Exact analytical expressions for probability of a false alarm and the skip of signal are received. It is shown that the yielded probabilities are expressed through incomplete normalized gamma function. Article contains 9 bibliographic sources of the information.
Pages: 11-14


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