S.A. Ostroumov, V.A. Poklonov, S.V. Kotelevtsev, T.V. Shestakova, L.L. Demina, V.L. Sheleykovsky
O. E. Savelyeva - Associate Professor, Vladimir state university of a name of Alexander Grigorevich and Nikolay Grigorevich Stoletov. E-mail: OES57@mail.ru
M. V. Komolova - Senior Lecturer, Legal institute of a name of M.M. Speransky, Vladimir state university of a name of Alexander Grigorevich and Nikolay Grigorevich Stoletov. E-mail: komomarina@mail.ru
G. A. Aksenova - Associate Professor, Chair of Civil Law Disciplines, Russian Public Service Academy (Vladimir branch). E-mail: galaks1952@yandex.ru
O. E. Savelyeva - Associate Professor, Chair of Customs Affairs and Civil Law, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Sloletovs. E-mail OES57@mail.ru