Articles by keyword 2 contingency table
Usage of contingency tables 2×2 for estimation of the association between harmful effects and negative outcomes in the cross-sectional biomedical research
T.V. Feofanova - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, FSBO SSC Institute of immunology of Federal medical-biological Agency of Russia, Moscow. E-mail:
N.I. Khorseva - Ph.D. (Boil.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Biochemical Physics named after N. M. Emanuel RAS, Moscow. E-mail:
Usage of contingency tables 2×2 for estimation of the association between harmful effects and negative outcomes in the cross-sectional biomedical research
T. V. Feofanova - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research, FSBO SSC Institute of immunology of Federal medical-biological Agency of Russia (Moscow)
N. I. Khorseva - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research, Federal State Budgetary Institution
of the science of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Biochemical Physics named after N.M. Emanuel RAS (Moscow)