Articles by keyword regression lines
E.I. Shulman - Ph.D. (Biol.), General Director, Scientific-innovative company «Medical information technology» (Novosibirsk)
A.E. Vlasenko - Engineer-mathematician, MBUZ OT «Sectional medical information and analysis center» (Novokuznetsk)
N.M. Gilina - Ph.D.(Eng.), Professor, Chair of medical cybernetics and informatics, GBOU DPO «Novokuznetsk State Institute of Improvement of Doctors» (Novokuznetsk)
A.E. Vlasenko - Engineer-mathematician, MBUZ OT «Sectional medical information and analysis center» (Novokuznetsk)
N.M. Gilina - Ph.D.(Eng.), Professor, Chair of medical cybernetics and informatics, GBOU DPO «Novokuznetsk State Institute of Improvement of Doctors» (Novokuznetsk)