Articles by keyword penetration depth
Estimation of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Losses in Biological Environments
R.N. Nikulin, D.A. Baryshev, A.S. Penskoy, D.E. Radchenko, A.G. Shein
Computer simulation of human head irradiation by a cell phone field

V.E. Drach¹, A.A. Litvinenko², V.A. Solovyev³

1,2 Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU (Kaluga, Russia), 

3  SPUTNIX Ltd. (Moscow, Russia)

Simulation of the cumulation process

A.R. Mukhutdinov1, Z.R. Vakhidova2, M.G. Efimov3

1,3 Kazan State Technological University (Kazan, Russia)

2 IHE «University of Management TISBI» (Kazan, Russia)