Articles by keyword magnetic field of the Earth
Research of Singularities of Short Radio Wave Propagation in Non-Uniform Anisotropic Ionosphere
A. S. Kryukovsky, D. S. Lukin, D. V. Rastyagaev
The evolution of the larmor frequency of MRI with a superconducting magnet based on a database of MRI studies
N.V. Anisimov, S.S. Batova, A.A. Samoylenko, E.I. Shalamova
The influence of hypomagnetic environmental conditions on the reproductive function of male Japanese quail (Caturnix japonica) in three consecutive generations

E.D. Litvin1, O.A. Dadasheva2, S.A Pinegin3, T.S. Gurieva4, E.I. Mednikova5,
A.V. Spassky
6, V.M. Lebedev7, V.N. Sychev8

1–5,8 State Research Center of the Russian Federation –
Institute of biomedical problems RAS (Moscow, Russia)
6,7 Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)