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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
The influence of hypomagnetic environmental conditions on the reproductive function of male Japanese quail (Caturnix japonica) in three consecutive generations
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202201-07
UDC: 537:598.261.7+612:014.426

E.D. Litvin1, O.A. Dadasheva2, S.A Pinegin3, T.S. Gurieva4, E.I. Mednikova5,
A.V. Spassky
6, V.M. Lebedev7, V.N. Sychev8

1–5,8 State Research Center of the Russian Federation –
Institute of biomedical problems RAS (Moscow, Russia)
6,7 Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)


Problem statement. The development of manned cosmonautics has led to the emergence of the problem of human safety in space and on future Moon and Mars bases. It is known that the Moon's magnetic field is 1000 times lower than the earth's. Therefore, studies of the human body state in a hypomagnetic environment are relevant and are caused by the need to study the possible consequences of a long interplanetary spaceflight.

The purpose of the work is to study the effect of 1000 times weakened Earth magnetic field on the reproductive function of adult Japanese quail males in three consecutive generations in comparison with laboratory control.

The results of the study of the weakened IHL influence on the reproductive function of adult Japanese quail males in all three successive generations are presented, with the first generation, embryogenesis took place under GMP conditions, in the 2nd and 3rd generations under the conditions of the Earth's magnetic field. A violation of reproductive function in quails in all experimental groups was shown, expressed in the pathology of spermatogenesis, which led to a delay in sexual dimorphism in males and an increase in the period of oviposition in females, as well as a decrease in hatchability of chicks and an increase in the number of unfertilized eggs.

Pages: 62-71
For citation

Литвин Е.Д., Дадашева О.А., Пинегин С.А., Гурьева Т.С., Медникова Е.И., Спасский А.В., Лебедев В.М., Сычев В.Н. Влияние гипомагнитных условий среды на репродуктивную функцию самцов японского перепела (Caturnix jаponica) в трех последовательных поколениях // Биомедицинская радиоэлектроника. 2022. T. 25. № 1. С. 62-71. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j15604136-202201-07

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Date of receipt: 22.11.2021
Approved after review: 10.12.2021
Accepted for publication: 25.12.2021