Articles by keyword dynamic filtering
Method of obtaining the interpolated estimations of the parameters motion of aircrafts with the use the dynamic filtration on results the discrete trajectory measurements
V.G. Naydjonov, V.I. Polyakov, V.M. Grigorenko
A mathematical model for studying the structure of errors the parameters of motion the aircraft at smoothed processing of trajectory measuring information with use of methods the dynamic filtration
V.G. Naidenov, V.I. Polyakov, A.N. Sсhukin
Suboptimum control of a vector of a condition of radio engineering system of mobile object
A.S. Mit-kin - Post-Graduate Student, Head of Sector, FSUE «RNIIRS», Rostov-on-Don. E-mail:
V.A. Pogorelov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, FSUE « RNIIRS», Rostov-on-Don. E-mail:
Algorithmic evaluations of the rotation parameters of a distributed antenna by satellite measurements
V.I. Lukasiewicz - General Director, JSC «CENTROMASHPROEKT» V.A. Pogorelov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist, FSUE «RNIIRS». E-mail: S.V. Sokolov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Rostov State Transport University. E-mail: