Articles by keyword clock synchronization
Optimum clock synchronization algorithm without accumulation limit
V.N. Kharisov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), professor OJSC «VNIIR-Progress»
P.М. Golovin - Scientist OJSC «VNIIR-Progress»
A.V. Pel-tin - Ph.D. (Eng.), NII RET Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Synchronization of radar with digital APAR elements
A.E. Loginov - Graduate Student, engineerб JSC «Radiofizika»
M.V. Nikitin - Head of Division, JSC «Radiofizika»
S.V. Ogurtsov - Head of Laboratory, JSC «Radiofizika»
The influence of sampling frequency and interpolation on the bit error rate of GMSK signal

D.D. Privalov1

1 Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Institute of Radiophysics and Physical Electronics)