Articles by keyword acousto-optics
A method for increasing the efficiency of aircraft and ground-based electronic warfare systems and complexes using an acoustooptoelectronic receiver

G.A. Sharapov − Engineer of the 1st category of Laboratory O-41.3.5,

Post-graduate Student of the base department of JSC «CNIRTI named after Academician A.I. Berga»

A.G. Bocharov − Engineer of the 3rd category of Laboratory O-41.3.5,

Post-graduate Student of RTU MIREA

E.V. Kalyabin −Ph.D. (Eng.), Scientific Secretary 

S.V. Yakubovskiy − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of the Department 

Comparison of mathematical and experimental studies of the radio technical characteristics of an acousto-optoelectronic spectrum analyzer for RF monitoring devices

E.R. Zhdanov1, G.A. Sharapov2, A.I. Kryukov3

1 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

2,3 JSC “Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)

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