Articles by keyword VEGFR
The Influence of Retinoic Acid on Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors Vegfs and Their Receptors Vegfrs Mrna Expression in Multiple Myeloma Cell Cultures
N.N. Kalitin, E.S. Kakpakova, A.F. Karamysheva
Vegf signaling pathway components and matrix metalloproteinases - in tumors of patients with ovarian neoplasms
D.N. Kushlinsky - Physician cancers, Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia
E.S. Gershtein - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
I.V. Tereshkina - Ph.D. (Med.), Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named A.I. Evdokimov
V.D. Ermilova - Ph.D. (Med.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
K.P. Laktionov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia
L.V. Adamyan - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician RAS, Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russia
The relationship between galectins 1, 3 and growth factors and the expression of growth factors and their receptors in colorectal cancer

A.V. Kurnosenko1, G.V. Reinhardt2, V.S. Poletika3, Yu.V. Kolobovnikova4, A.I. Dmitrieva5, M.Yu. Grishchenko6, V.K. Abramov7, O.I. Urazova8

1–4, 6–8 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Siberian State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Tomsk, Russia)

1,5 Regional State Autonomous Healthcare Institution «Tomsk Regional Oncology Center» (Tomsk, Russia)