Articles by keyword фазовое распределение
Algorithms Optimum Estimations Amplitudno-Phase Distribution in Aperture Antenna on Measurements of the Field in Near Zone
A.V. Krishtopov
Estimation of Influence of Deformation of Reflecting Panels on Phase Distribution on the Aperture
Sgadova, N.A.
Efficient methods for beam broadening in irregular spiral phased array antenna
A.N. Tuvaev, A.O. Manichev
Phase distributions of dome antenna with forced interception
V.I. Litun, V.N. Mitrokhin
Standard distortion of the aperture antennas pattern with the use of orthogonal phase perturbations of the field in apertures of linear and planar antennas of arbitrary form
V.I. Gusevsky - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor, Senior researcher research Bureau MPEI and MPEI. E-mail:
V.Е. Bondarev - M. Si in radio engineerings, engineer Special Research Bureau MPEI. E-mail:
The perspective directions of development of methods of spatio-temporal processing of signals in the systems of the over-the-horizon radar-location

J.V. Kuleshov1, A.P. Aleshkin2, V.V. Vladimirov3, T.O. Myslivtsev4, A.A. Koristin5, S.V. Nikiforov6, P.V. Savochkin7, S.N. Balakirev8

1,2 A.F. Mozhaiskiy Military Space Academy (St. Petersburg, Russia)