Articles by keyword псевдослучайные последовательности
Ensuring information security in telecommunication systems using Chebyshev polynomials
D.L. Spirichev
Secure pseudorandom linear sequences generators, based on arithmetic polynoms for protected communication systems
S.А. Dichenko - an Associate of the Military Academy of Communications. E-mail:
О.А. Finko - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Department of the branch of the Military Academy of Communications (Krasnodar). E-mail:
Parallel generator of q-unit pseudorandom sequences based on arithmetic polynoms
D.V. Samoylenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Branch of the Military Academy of Communications, Krasnodar, Russia
S.A. Dichenko - Branch of the Military Academy of Communications, Krasnodar, Russia
N.I. Eliseev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Branch of the Military Academy of Communications, Krasnodar, Russia
O.A. Finko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Branch of the Military Academy of Communications, Krasnodar, Russia
K.S. Meretukov - Branch of the Military Academy of Communications, Krasnodar, Russia