Articles by keyword пожилой возраст
Indicators correlation dimension alpha-band electroencephalogram in the elderly with differ-ent productivity reading
Т.V. Yemelianova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist Institute of Medical and Biological Research named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk. E-mail: L.V. Sokolova Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Institute of Medical and Biological Research named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk. E-mail: I.S. Biriukov - Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Medical and Biological Research named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk. E-mail:
Application of artificial neural networks to the diagnosis of cognitive impairment
M.V. Vyucheiskaia - Post-graduate Student, Department of Applied Mathematics and High Performance Computing, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lovonosov (Arkhangelsk). E-mail: I.S. Biriukov - Junior Researcher Scientist, Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Higher Nervous Activity, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lovonosov (Arkhangelsk). E-mail:
Polymyalgia rheumatica: clinical case
M.R. Alexandrova - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, The Department of hospital therapy with course of clinical laboratory diagnostics, of the Medical Institute of the PFUR (Moscow) E-mail: L.V. Bychkova - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, The Department of hospital therapy with course of clinical laboratory diagnostics, of the Medical Institute of the PFUR (Moscow) E-mail: K.O. Vorontsova - Intern, The Department of hospital therapy with course of clinical laboratory diagnostics, of the Medical Institute of the PFUR (Moscow) A.I. Kondratenko - Therapist, State budget institution of healthcare City clinical hospital named after S.S. Yudin (Moscow) T.U. Overchenko - Therapist, State budget institution of healthcare City clinical hospital named after S.S. Yudin (Moscow)