Articles by keyword макроскопическое
Hybrid Josephson Junctions with d-Wave Symmetry of Order Parameter for Elements of Quantum Computing Systems
Y.V Kislinskii, G.A. Ovsyannikov, K.Y. Constantinyan, A.V. Shadrin, I.V. Borisenko, F.V. Komissinskiy, N.V. Klenov, V.K. Kornev
Pharmacognostic and phitochimic studying of fruits ammi majus - the source of preparations photosensibility and antimicrotical actions (review)
O.B. Nikolaeva, T.B. Shemerjankina, T.B. Dargaeva, T.A. Sokolskaja, M.A. Dzhavahjan
Kinetic modeling of complex systems
M.B. Saikhanov - Employee of KNII of RAS. E-mail: Z.Sh. Gagaeva - Employee of KNII of RAS