Articles by keyword КСВн
Measurement of Electromagnetic Characteristics of Materials by Resonator Method with the Help of the Vector Network Analyzer
V. N. Apletalin, Yu. N. Kazantsev, A. N. Kozyr-kov, V. S. Solosin
Transmitting amplifier block with air-cooling, high output power and service life for radio electronic means
D.V. Nazarov
Determination of location of coaxial probe due to effective feed of circular microstrip antenna
V.N. Mitrokhin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor of Bauman Moscow State University, Senior Research Worker at Bauman Moscow State University Research Institute
N. Yu. Fadeeva  Post-graduate Student, Bauman Moscow State University, Junior Research Worker at Bauman Moscow State University Research Institute. E-mail:
Principles of construction of volumetric-modular microwave devices of diagram-forming circuit and problems in their implementation

N. V. Dudarev – Post-graduate Student, Department of Infocommunication Technologies, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk)


S. N. Darovskikh – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department of Infocommunication Technologies, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk)

Application of compound materials in waveguide terminators

A.A. Golovan 1, M.D. Malkov 2, M.A. Malakhov 3, S. Y. Ganigin3, M.V. Nenashev 5, K.V. Savelyev 6

1 Samara State Technical University

2 JSC «Research Institute Ekran»

1,2,3 JSC «Research Institute Ekran» (Samara, Russian)

4,5,6 Samara State Technical University (Samara, Russian)