Articles by keyword сетецентрическая система
Complex imitating and modeling system for the development of multi-functional multi-service communication, information interaction and control nodes creation technology
I.V. Efremov, L.A. Shmaglit, V.S. Yakushev
The main trends in the development of avionics and aircraft armament of promisings combat helicopter complex

А.B. Belsky¹, A.K. Dibizhev², V.M. Choban³

1-3 JSC «NCV named after M. L. Mil and N. I. Kamov» (Moscow, Russia)


А.Б. Бельский1, А.К. Дибижев2, В.М. Чобан3

1-3 АО «НЦВ им. М.Л. Миля и Н.И. Камова» (Москва, Россия)