350 rub
Journal Antennas №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Complex imitating and modeling system for the development of multi-functional multi-service communication, information interaction and control nodes creation technology
I.V. Efremov, L.A. Shmaglit, V.S. Yakushev
The specificity of departmental operations indicates the necessity of the creation of universal multi-functional communication nodes which meet the requirements of various departments and provide interdepartmental unification. Besides, in the conditions of continuously increasing needs for communication service range expansion, the development of multi-service communication nodes becomes important. An increase of information flows dictates the need for new methods of communication systems management and control involving radio link analysis during information transfer. This work proposes a complex imitating and modeling system for the development of multi-functional multi-service communication, information interaction and control nodes creation technology. The proposed system is based on a mobile platform of the increased passableness (the chassis KAMAZ-5350) and is designed to meet the requirements of modern mobile communication systems. It represents a group of the following subsystems which are connected with each other: - a subsystem of technology development and demonstration of current possibilities; - a subsystem of mathematical imitation models, high speed calculations and local computer network; - a subsystem of holding practice operation experiments and research; - a subsystem of life support including climate control, secondary power supply and autonomous power supply of the whole system. The application of the proposed system can be divided into three groups: 1. Multi-functional multi-service communication, information interaction and control nodes research and development, including: - imitation modeling of multi-functional multi-service nodes integrated into network-centric information-telecommunication systems of space, sea, air and land basing; - electrical and constructional design of multi-functional multi-service nodes basic parts (printed circuits boards, blocks and modules); - imitation modeling of thermal and mechanical (vibration test) characteristics of multi-functional multi-service nodes basic parts; - imitation modeling of radio-electronic equipment electromagnetic compatibility within the nodes. 2. Carrying out demonstration experiments and complex tests of new samples of perspective radio-equipment. 3. New communication equipment creation, existing equipment modernization and a research of their integration into network-centric information-telecommunication systems. The proposed system will be demanded both by law-enforcement and military structures and by other federal departments and commercial organizations. The development of the proposed system is now on the stage of prototype manufacturing. A brief description of the proposed complex imitating and modeling system and its main functional capabilities is presented. The proposed system is based on a mobile platform and is designed to solve the problem of perspective radio-electronic equipment development automation. It allows carrying out both modeling theoretical and practice operation experiments with radio equipment in order to research its integration into network-centric information-telecommunication systems in real life conditions. The block diagram of the proposed system is presented. The functionality of subsystems and their components are considered.
Pages: 159-163
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