Articles by keyword радиопеленгаторная антенная решетка
The Research of Circular Direction Finding Antenna Array, Consisting of Exponential-Extending Slot Elements, Loaded with Broadband Electric Dipoles
A. V. Ashihmin, A. V. Negrobov, V. V. Negrobov, Yu. G. Pasternak, I. V. Popov, Yu. A. Rembovsky
Research of Perspective Methods of Designing of Direction Finding Antenna Array by Use of Ultrawideband Printed Elements
A.V. Ashikhmin, V.I. Vinnikov, M.Yu. Vlasov, V.V. Negrobov, Yu.G. Pasternak, Yu. A. Rembovskiy, D.S. Sysoev S.M. Fedorov