Articles by keyword нейрокомпьютерный интерфейс
Using symbol matrix in paradigm of brain-computer interface based on analysis of visual event related potential components
L. D. Bark, K. A. Saltykov, S. A. Kozhukhov, M. A. Kulikov
Technology for development of virtual reality systems based on brain-computer interface with utilization of cloud computing environment
A.A. Bezgodov, K.V. Knyazkov, S.V. Kovalchuk, A.V. Boukhanovsky
Evaluation of speed for brain-computer interface im-plemented with a hybrid intellect
Ya.A. Turovskiy - Ph.D.(Med.), Associate Professor, Digital Technologies Department, Head of the Digital Medical Technologies Laboratory of Computer Science Faculty, Voronezh State University S.D.Kurgalin - Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Head of the Digital Technologies Department of Computer Science Faculty, Voronezh State University S.V.Borzunov - Ph.D.( Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Digital Technologies Department of Computer Science Faculty, Voronezh State University
Method for recording non-thermal microwave radiation from the human brain

L.I. Brusilovsky – General Director of ELBRUS Corporation LLC (Moscow)
A.S. Bryukhovetsky – Dr.Sc.(Med.), Professor, General Director of 
Clinic of Interventional Neurology and Restorative Therapy Neurovita Closed Joint-Stock Company (Moscow) E-mail:
S.P. Kozhin – Head of Laboratory,
JSC NPP Istok named after Shokina (Fryazino, Moscow Region)
P.G. Serafimovich – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist,
Institute of Image Processing Systems RAS (Samara)
A.V. Nikonorov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Leading Research Scientist,  Institute of Image Processing Systems RAS (Samara)

Evaluation of speed for brain-computer interface implemented with a hybrid intellect

Ya.A. Turovskiy, S.D. Kurgalin, S.V. Borzunov