Articles by keyword нафтохиноны
Quantative determination of shikonin and its derivataves in raw material and drugs
J.V. Daironas - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Teacher of Chair of a Pharmacognosy, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - the branch of GBOU VPO the Volgograd State Medical University. E-mail:
I.N. Zilfikarov - Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow. E-mail:
T.A. Sokolskaya - Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow
Using of naphthoquinone lithospermum complex to create of polymeric dental films
L.M. Taran - Lecturer, Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk
A.Ya. Basharov - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk. E-mail: