Articles by keyword правда и ложь.
Experimental model and software for the recognition of mental true and false responses on the basis of electroencephalogram analysis

E.A. Yumatov – Dc. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Science (Russian Section);  Chief Research Scientist, P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow)


V.Yu. Potapov – Engineer, AS “Interfax” (Moscow)

N.A. Karatygin – Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow)

S.S. Pertsov – Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS; Deputy Director on Scientific Work, Head of laboratory system mechanisms of an emotional stress, P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow);  Head of Department of Normal Physiology and Medical Physics, Moscow State Medico-Dental University  n.a. A.I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation