Journal Nonlinear World №1 for 2021 year
Theoretical foundations of design optimization ship's control, decision-making systems and information processing

V.V. Sukhov, S.Kh. Ekshembiev, E.G. Andrianova, K.V. Gusev

Institute of Information Technology (Moscow, Russia)

Development of the instrumental support of the domestic computing platform "Elbrus 801-PC" in the problems of neural network modeling of nonlinear dynamic systems

O.V. Druzhinina¹, E.R. Korepanov², V.V. Belousov³, O.N. Masina4, A.A. Petrov5

1−3 FRС «Computer Science and Control» of RAS (Moscow, Russia)

4,5 Bunin Yelets State University (Yelets, Russia)

Neural network modeling of the implosion process in the tasks of optimization of oil production process

A.R. Mukhutdinov¹, Z.R. Vakhidova², M.G. Efimov³

1,3 Kazan State Technological University (Kazan, Russia)

2 University of Management "TISBI" (Kazan, Russia)

Hacotization of discretization and quantization conditions in radar systems with digital phased antenna grates

Yu.N. Gorbunov¹, G.L. Akopyan², R.K. Burnosov³

1 FIRA them. V.A. Kotelnikov, RAS (Fryazino, Russia)

2,3 JSC "CNIRTI them. academician A.I. Berga" (Moscow, Russia)

Model of auxiliary identification and technical diagnosis of space vehicles, rockets-rockets, running blocks with the function of error recognition of typical solutions

A.I. Loskutov, V.I. Kondratyuk, E.A. Ryakhova, A.V. Stolyarov

Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (St. Peterburg, Russia)

The point free Colombeau geometry in singular general relativity

Ja. Foukzon¹, A.A. Potapov², E.R. Men'kova³

1 Center for Mathematical Sciences, Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel)

2 V.A. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS (Moscow, Russia);

3 All-Russian Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements (Moscow, Russian)
