Articles by keyword обнаружение цели
The Experimental Research of Possibility of Detection of the Purposes on the Background of Spreading Surface in Radar-Tracking Systems with Polarizing Processing the Information
E.V. Burdanova, A.P. Denisov, A.A. Luchin, I.I. Oleynik, A.I. Sinani
Estimation of detection of the purpose optic-electronic complex out of atmosphere in ultra-violet and visible ranges of lengths of waves
T.V. Kalinin, R.V. Katyukha, O.A. Laktyukhin
Detection of Signals by Correlation of Orthogonal Polarized Components
A.V. Boldin, R.P. Bistrov, V.L. Rumyantcev, A.V. Khomyakov
Radar signal detection in multipath propagation
A.V. Boldin, A.I. Kalnoi, V.L. Rumyantsev, A.V. Khomyakov