Articles by keyword несимметричный вибратор
Dipole Antennas of Systems of Navigation and Radio Communication of Military Planes and Helicopters
G.V. Zibrov, A.V. Lenshin, A.S. Artyukh, А.A. Neudakin
Method for calculating the loss asymmetric vibrators with a remote power point

O.V. Popov¹, A.V. Tumashov², G.N. Borisov³

1,2,3 LTD «STC» (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Evaluation of the influence of third-party objects on the radiation pattern of a quarter-wave asymmetric vibrator

Yu.N. Gaichyk1, N.V. Tamp2, V.A. Romakhin3, A.A. Omelshin4

1–4 Military University of Radio Electronics (Cherepovets, Russia)