Articles by keyword гибридный интеллект
System integration directions of the scientific activity in the tasks of neurocomputing
A.V. Rozhnov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science named after V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). E-mail:
Evaluation of speed for brain-computer interface im-plemented with a hybrid intellect
Ya.A. Turovskiy - Ph.D.(Med.), Associate Professor, Digital Technologies Department, Head of the Digital Medical Technologies Laboratory of Computer Science Faculty, Voronezh State University S.D.Kurgalin - Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Head of the Digital Technologies Department of Computer Science Faculty, Voronezh State University S.V.Borzunov - Ph.D.( Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Digital Technologies Department of Computer Science Faculty, Voronezh State University
Dimensionally ontology V. Frankl as the conceptual basis for interdisciplinary synthesis of Biomedicine, psychology and computing
O.E. Petrunia - Ph.D. (Philos.), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Social Communication of MATI - Russian State Technological University K.E. Tsiolkovsky (Moscow). E-mail:
Сontroversy of the natural and the artificial in the neuroscience: “Who is to Blame” and “What Shall We Do”

O.E. Petrunia – Ph.D., Associate Professor of Department of Philosophy and Social Communication of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


Evaluation of speed for brain-computer interface implemented with a hybrid intellect

Ya.A. Turovskiy, S.D. Kurgalin, S.V. Borzunov