Articles by keyword Сканер
The particularities of forming space scanner images by the lines matrix charge-coupled devices(CCD)
V. G. Andronov, S. V. Degtyarev, I. A. Klochkov
Model of formation of space scanner images in panoramic survey modes
V. G. Andronov, S. V. Degtyarev, E. V. Lazareva
Integration Optical-Location Detection and Estimation Parameters of Ground Based Forest Taxation
A.V. Krevetsky, Y.A. Ipatov
Accuracy of scanning laser measuring manipulators
I. B. Pryamitsyn
Antenna testing and determination of scattering characteristics by near-field planar measurements
S.V. Vasendin, A.V. Kirpanev, V.M. Korol, M.Yu. Ponomarev, Yu.G. Shatrakov
Peculiarities of determining radiation characteristics of antenna-object system by sphere near-field measurements
A.V. Kirpanev, V.S. Nasarov, Yu.G. Shatrakov, V.V. Shubnikov
Phaseless planar near-field measurements of antenna directional patterns
Yu. N. Kalinin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Scientific and Production Enterprise TRIM. E-mail:
Research of the reflector antenna profile control radioholography me-thod opportunities
V. N. Mitrokhin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Senior Research Scientist of Bauman Moscow State Technical University Research Institute E. O. Mozharov - Post-graduate Student of Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Junior Research Scientist of Bauman Moscow State Technical University Research Institute E-mail:
Direct measurement of antenna gain and EIRP with spherical near-field scanner
Yu. N. Kalinin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy General Director at Scientific Research, Scientific and Production Enterprise TRIM (Saint Petersburg) E-mail: M. A. Chavdar - Head of Test Department, Scientific and Production Enterprise TRIM (Saint Petersburg) E-mail:
Investigation of the influence of the external characteristics of a brand on the correctness of recognition of its center by a ground laser scanner

Dmitriy A. Gura¹, Grittel G. Shevchenko², Nelli A. Dyakova³

1−3  Kuban State Technological University (Krasnodar, Russia) 1 2 3,,

Microscaner based on synchronous motor for third generation thermal imagers

R.A. Gladkov, I.I. Kremis

 Technological Design Institute of Applied Microelectronics (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Movable quasi-optical signal transmission line as part of a scanner for planar field measurements of millimeter wave range

S.B. Makarov1, R.A. Davtyan2, A.K. Aharonyan3, M.V. Markosyan4, V.H. Avetisyan5

S.V. Zavjalov6, S.V. Tomashevich7

1,5,6 Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

2−5 Russian-Armenian University

2−5 Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute CJSC

7 St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications n.a. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Algorithms flight relative radiometric calibration of remote sensing scanner systems

V.A. Zenin – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, 

Aerospace Image Processing Research Institute of Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail:

Investigation of the force interaction of a magnetic system «Khalbach» type with a ferromagnetic ring

D.O. Petrova – Assistant, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


A.E. Livanov – Senior Research Scientist, LLC «ERGA» (Kaluga)


V.S. Zaionchkovsky – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail:

V.N. Konovalov – Senior Lecturer, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


V.V. Kotunov – Ph.D.(Eng.), General Director of LLC «ERGA» (Kaluga) E-mail:

Development of a three-dimensional object scanner

A.M. Bezrukaviy1, I.S. Bobylkin2, V.A. Vanin3

1-3 FSBEI of HE “Voronezh State Technical University” (Voronezh, Russia)

1; 2; 3