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Journal Antennas №2 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Equivalent surface impedance of a slot impedance load based on the open end of a parallel-plate waveguide as part of an infinite array
V. G. Koshkid-ko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Antennas and Radio Transmitters, Southern Federal University (Taganrog) E-mail: kvg59@mail.ru O. V. Alpatova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics, Southern Federal University (Taganrog)
The problem of an infinite array of slot impedance loads excitation by a plane wave is considered in order to determine possible ad-justment boundaries of the equivalent surface impedance by construction dimensions varying. Each array element consists of two vo-lumes V1 and V2. The V1 volume is the halfspace above the delimiter boundary. Primary field is excited by the plane wave in this volume. The V2 volume doesn-t contains any excitation sources and bounded by parallel-plate waveguide walls. Both waveguide walls are perpendicular to the delimiter boundary. The V1 and V2 volumes are connected each other by one or several slots in the perfect conducting screen placed on the delimiter boundary. Excitation source characteristics and construction parameters are independent on z coordinate (2D-problem). The problem is solved by the integral equation method and calculated by the Krylov-Bogolyubov method whereby the integral equation was reduced to the system of linear algebraic equations. To overcome mathematical difficulties due to logarithmic singularity in the kernel of the integral equation Kummer transformation was used. This allows not only to improve the series convergence but also to get the logarithmic singularity in explicit form and integrate it analytically. Numerical results are given as equivalent surface impedance dependencies on construction sizes and the plane wave incidence angle for fixed values of the infinite array period. Comparative analysis of obtained dependencies with single impedance load characteristics is carried out.
Pages: 32-41


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