350 rub
Journal Antennas №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of reflecting surfaces of the mirror antenna system using the barycentric approach for reflector parameterization
A. M. Somov - the Academy of FSGS of the Russian Federation I. S. Polyansky - Ph.D. (Eng.), Research Scientist of the Academy of FSGS of the Russian Federation. E-mail: van341@mail.ru D. E. Stepanov - Research Scientist of the Academy of FSGS of the Russian Federation
The parameterization of the reflecting surface of the mirror-type antenna by special multivariate splines of any degree for the subse-quent effective solution of the synthesis problem of a reflector antenna in the approximation of the methods of physical optics and physical theory of diffraction has been proposed in the article. It has been proposed to carry out the formation of the spline function approximation for the entire reflective surface in the large without its sampling and (or) by coverage with excess area. This approxi-mation has been realized by performing the following steps: 1) opening of the reflector is defined by a polygon; 2) the barycentric coordinate system which determines the position of an arbitrary point in the plane of the aperture reflector is implemented for the number of vertices of the polygon; 3) a set of multi-indices, characterizing the position of the grid points based on the input order of approximation is determined for a given barycentric system; 4) with the defined anchor points and barycentric coordinates the spline function approximation is determined by a rational Bezier surface polygonal. The accuracy estimation of the proposed approximation has been performed depending on the number of nodal points defined by a spline. Numerical solution of the problem of synthesis of the reflecting surface-mirror antenna has been carried out subject to the proposed approximation to evaluate the effectiveness of the generated solution.
Pages: 11-19


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