350 rub
Journal Antennas №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Ontological principles of development of statistical antenna theory
O. N. Maslov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Economic and Information Systems, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara). E-mail: maslov@psati.ru
The article presents possibility of applying the methods and means of the complex systems science (SS) in the statistical antenna theory (SAT). This is necessary to develop an ontological situation model (OSM) for the SAT development using the SS. A key element of the OSM is the concept of uncertainty of knowledge, which corresponds to the notion of random error (amplitude, phase, geometry, time, etc.) in the SAT. The verified and axiological knowledge of SAT form the composition and structure of OSM. Models and methods of the SS theory applicable to CTA are classified as heuristically (expert); probability-theoretical; probability-statistical and statistical. The perspective statistical simulation method of SAT combines probabilistic-theoretical and probabilistic- sta-tistical approaches to the study of SAT objects. In this article assesses the effectiveness of the application of statistical and expert methods SS and computer technology Monte Carlo method for the development of SAT. Probability-theoretical approach allows us to formulate requirements for model of uncertainty in the form of a random variable (random error), obeying the one-dimensional stable law of distribution. In random antennas (RA) errors predominate over regular parameters of RA elements, so the statistical simulation method is the single effective way to study such SS. The probability-statistical approach allows to concretize the concept of «phase error» and determine its range of possible values. This article contains an example of the formation of the MLA by expertise - through studies of the aperture RA in a series of rectangular windows excited by source located inside the building. The further uses of methods and means of SS theory for solving problems in the field of SAT and information security are scheduled.
Pages: 15-25


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