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Journal Antennas №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Use of the Gauss-Laguerre basis for solving diffraction problems with projection methods
Gauss-Laguerre basis
round dielectric waveguide
open end radiation
Huygens-Kirchhoff method
A.A. Babkin, V.A. Malakhov, A.S. Raevskii
Using the method of the Huygens-Kirchhoff, the problem of the calculation of the amplitude-phase distribution (APD) of the radiation field from the end of an open dielectric waveguide (ODW) is solved. The field at the end of a semi-infinite ODW is found as result of diffraction problem solution of the fundamental ODW's wave HE11 on the border with free space. The vector (energy) orthogonality of eigenmodes of regular ODW was used as well as orthogonality of the basis of the Gauss-Laguerre modes in free space. The results of convergence study of the algorithm and the physical correctness of the results are provided. Calculations for ODW with different radii for two values of the dielectric constant of the material of the waveguide are performed. Radiation field's APD found at the end of ODW has shown that the diffraction field is making the greater the correction to the zero order approximation (which assumes only unperturbed НЕ11 wave field), the greater the radius of the waveguide and the dielectric constant of the material from which it is made.
Pages: 12-17
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