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Journal Antennas №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Reconstruction of two-dimensional images of radiation sources with superresolution
B.A Lagovsky, I.Y. Shumov
New methods and algorithms of digital processing of the signals are theoretically proved and checked up during numerical experiments on mathematical model, allowing to increase effective angular resolution of measuring systems on the basis of the approached decision of integral equations. The problem is to restore the angular distribution of the radiation source on the basis of the analysis of the received signal and the known radiation pattern of the system with the best possible angular resolution exceeding the Rayleigh criterion. This problem belongs to a class of inverse. It is flawed because not satisfy the second and third requirements correctness of Hadamard. Algebraic methods for digital processing of received signals by special algorithms allow to obtain additional information about the angular distribution of the intensity of the signal source, which is equivalent to increasing the effective angular resolution of the system. Represented processing techniques allow to obtain a resolution better than the Rayleigh criterion, i.e. obtain super-resolution. The possibility of further increasing the level of super-resolution obtained by using the proposed methods of symmetrisation problem. As a result, the original problem for the one divides into two independent problems and four for the two, which greatly increases the stability of solutions.
Pages: 60-65
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