350 rub
Journal Antennas №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Research of Accuracy of SHF Radio Radiation Sources Coordinates Positioning by Moving Radio Monitoring Station
moving radio monitoring station
rotation speed of the measuring antenna
diagram directivity width
accuracy of coordinates positioning
movement track
amplitude method
A. B. Basukinskiy, V. A. Kozmin, V. A. Sladkih
Influence of rotation speed and diagram directivity width of the reception measuring antenna, speed of moving radio monitoring station on accuracy of SHF radio radiation sources coordinates positioning by amplitude method is investigated by a method of mathematical modeling.
It is shown that in urban conditions of multipath wave propagation the error of positioning decreases with increase of rotation speed of the measuring antenna, reduction of its diagram directivity width and speed of moving station. Recommendations for achievement of comprehensible in practice accuracy of SHF radio radiation sources coordinates positioning are developed. The article contains 6 figures, 4 tables, 8 bibliography items.
Pages: 27-34
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