M.V. Alyushin1, V.D. Bitney2, L.V. Kolobashkina3, A.V. Okhlopkov4, L.S. Chudnovsky5
1,3 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow, Russia)
2,4 PJSC Mosenergo (Moscow, Russia)
5 Joint Stock Company Scientific and Production Corporation Precision Instrumentation Systems (Moscow, Russia)
One of the factors that determine the risk of occurrence, as well as the severity of the consequences of ka-tastrophe, primarily of man-made origin, is the so-called human factor (BSF). Management of the reliability of the Black Sea Fleet in order to predict and prevent possible man-made accidents and disasters is an extremely relevant complex problem, involving the solution of a number of scientific, methodological and practical problems. Unfortunately, the currently developed and used in practice methodological and technical means of monitoring the employee's condition, as well as predicting his possible change, are very effective, and in most cases they simply do not allow monitoring the current state of the employee directly in the process of fulfilling his production or official duties.
Purpose – create effective methodological and technical means of monitoring the state of the operating personnel of the CHPP in real time, as well as predicting its possible change to prevent the recurrence of the main equipment and the threat to the health and life of the personnel.
The development of methodological and technical means for effective control of BSF reliability is shown. It was noted that the experimental operation of a prototype of an automated information and measuring system (AIIS) for monitoring and forecasting in real production conditions at the TETs-26 (Moscow) confirmed the prospects for its use as an effective tool for managing the reliability of the Black Sea Fleet.
The results of the study are in demand at many industrial enterprises of AIIS monitoring and forecasting, operating in real time. The use of such technical means is also due to the possibility of monitoring the condition of workers who have had Covid-19, as a rule, requiring special attention.
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