A.N. Shevtsov
South-west State University (Kursk, Russia)
The most important problem of any telecommunications company is the development and implementation of a development strategy. A distinctive feature is the adaptation of strategic analysis tools and the application of the strategic management process in an IT company. The effectiveness of the proposals is due to the economic effect arising from the implementation of an adaptive development strategy, which will reduce depreciation costs.
Goal – to develop a methodological approach to the concept of strategic management of the enterprise, the telecommunications industry on the example of PJSC Megafon, which is characterized by high efficiency of implementation in the workflow, as well as to propose an action plan for the implementation of the proposed strategy.
The key aspects of the development of Russian telecommunications companies that affect the specifics of their development strategies are identified, the factors of the external and internal environment that have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the development of telecommunications companies are identified, as well as the methodological approach to the development of a development strategy is improved through multifactor analysis.
Shevtsov A.N. Methodological approaches to strategic management of a telecommunications industry enterprise. Science Intensive Technologies. 2022. V. 23. № 4. P. 30−37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202204-04 (in Russian)
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