Salah Haggag1, Moutaz Ramadan2
1 The Egyptian Russian University (Cairo 11829, Arab Republic of Egypt)
2 Port Said University (Port Said, Arab Republic of Egypt)
Two classes of applications of optimal control to problems in General Relativity are reviewed. The first class includes direct applications where each problem has beforehand a specific objective function. Two examples of this class are reviewed, where optimal control leads directly to the optimal solutions. Results show that optimal control is more powerful than classical variational calculus. The second class includes innovative applications where problems in General Relativity may be approached by introducing appropriate objective functions. Three examples of this class are reviewed, where an optimal inflationary universe, an optimal cosmological model and an optimal stellar model are, respectively, constructed. Results show that optimal control adds physical significance to solutions of such problems.
Haggag S., Ramadan M. Applications of optimal control to general relativity. Nonlinear World. 2024. V. 22. № 3. P. 35–48. DOI: j20700970-202403-05
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