A.A. Yamashkin1, S.A. Yamashkin2, D.S. Kumankin3, M.A. Skvortsov4
1-4 National Research Mordovia State University (Saransk, Mordovia, Russia)
The study is aimed at solving the problem of managing natural-social-production systems based on spatial data infrastructures and geoportals that provide the collection, processing, analysis, storage and visualization of spatial information about the state of territorial systems of various hierarchical levels and their interaction. Spatial data infrastructures include subsystems for storing, processing, analyzing and managing data, as well as accessing, exchanging and visualizing information resources (geoportals). The doctrine of geosystems was chosen as the basic scientific platform for organizing information resources in solving regional and local problems. The study is aimed at developing a concept for the development of information resources to solve the problem of managing regional natural-social-production systems through geoportal systems. Regional geoportals, designed on the basis of the approach proposed in the article, are designed to provide information to coordinate the search for and rational use of natural resources, territorial and sectoral planning and economic management, monitoring the ecological state of the region, and comprehensive scientific research. It is proved that the processes of design, development and implementation of geoportals should be based on solving the problem of risk management. The pioneer version of the system is the geoportal “Natural and cultural heritage of Mordovia. Traveling with the Russian Geographical Society”, aimed at solving the problem of managing positive risks (opportunities) associated with the development of tourism systems. The introduction of geoportal systems designed on the basis of the risk management process contributes to the implementation of strategic goals in the development of regions, the creation of an effective tool for managing natural resources.
Yamashkin A.A., Yamashkin S.A., Kumankin D.S., Skvortsov M.A. Information resources of the regional geoportal as the basis for managing the region's metageosystems. Nonlinear World. 2023. V. 21. № 1. P. 47-61. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700970-202301-04 (In Russian)
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