E.V. Kuimov1, N.A. Vetrova2
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia),
1 vetrova@bmstu.ru, 2 kuimov@bmstu.ru, mailto:alex.filyaev.98@gmail.com
The introduction of RTDs into modern industry is complicated by a number of reasons, the most important of which is ensuring a given shape of the I-V characteristic. To date, there are no mathematical models of current transfer in RTDs intended for engineering applications, i.e., having an acceptable degree of correspondence between the simulation results and experimental data in all sections of the I-V characteristic with adequate requirements for computing resources.
Objective – development of a model of electrical characteristics of resonant tunnel diodes for the design of electronic equipment based on heterostructure devices with transverse current transfer.
It is shown that the most promising approach for the design of electronic devices is the compact modeling approach. An original function is proposed for estimating the tunnel transparency coefficient in order to solve the problem of the occurrence of non-physical current saturation in the section of negative differential conductivity. A self-consistent procedure for calculating the interelectronic interaction potential within a compact model has been developed, taking into account the initial conditions of a special type to improve the adequacy of calculating the hysteresis loop on the current-voltage characteristics of resonant tunneling diodes.
It has been shown that the developed compact model allows predicting the current-voltage characteristics of resonant tunneling diodes with high accuracy in various areas, including the area contrast (average deviation <0.5%), as well as the curvature and hysteresis parameters (average deviation <1% and 1.5%, respectively). In combination with low requirements for computing resources, a conclusion has been made about the prospects of integrating the proposed compact model into modern CAD systems.
Kuimov E.V., Vetrova N.A. Compact current transport model taking into account dissipative and resonant tunneling processes in a heterostructured diode channel for ECAD of a nanoelectronic component base. Nanotechnology: development and applications – XXI century. 2024. V. 16. № 4. P. 16–20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j22250980-202404-02 (in Russian).
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