A.E. Komlev1, V.A. Volpyas2, R.A. Platonov3, A.G. Altynnikov4, A.B. Kozyrev5
St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, St. Petersburg, Russia
Nowadays, ion-plasma sputtering is one of the widely used methods for obtaining multilayer multicomponent structures. In ion-plasma sputtering, the film stoichiometry is determined by the composition of the sputtered target, and several different targets are usually required to create a structure with a variable stoichiometric composition over the thickness. This leads to the need to interrupt the deposition processes and the formation of sharp edges in the stoichiometric composition of the growing structure, and to undesirable interface defects between layers with different stoichiometry.
In this paper, we propose a new technique for the formation of thin films of a composite material with a given distribution of the stoichiometric composition over the thickness. The technique is based on the dynamic change in the pressure of the working gas during the technological process of ion-plasma sputtering of the target. In this paper, as an example, we consider the use of the developed method for creating polycrystalline thin films of a ferroelectric with a perovskite structure based on a solid solution of barium-strontium titanate BaxSr1-xTiO3 (BSTO). Experimental samples of films have been obtained, and their stoichiometric composition has been studied. The obtained results were analyzed and compared with the simulation results. The influence of the pressure of the working gas on the stoichiometric composition and the deposition rate of thin films is described. It is shown that the optimal range of operating gas pressures, in which the most effective change in the stoichiometric composition parameter x is possible, lies in the region of low pressures up to ~20 Pa, at which the depth of the thermalization zone of sputtered target atoms is comparable to the depth of the thermalization zone of sputtered target atoms. value of drift space target–substrate. An increase in the target-substrate distance leads to the suppression of the stoichiometric change with a change in the pressure of the working gas.
Note that the presented method allows one to deposit multicomponent films of a large class of oxides with a given continuous change in stoichiometry over the film thickness (gradient films) using only one target with a given initial stoichiometry. The considered method is most efficient in the deposition of multicomponent materials with a greater difference in the atomic masses of the components. The absence of transitional interlayer regions during the formation of the structure of multilayer oxide films makes it possible to control their electrophysical properties, providing high ordering of the structures in a wide range of their thicknesses. The developed method can be widely used in the electronics industry due to the wide use of multicomponent gradient films, which, depending on the composition, can have unique characteristics and properties such as high strength, controlled transparency, and temperature stability.
Komlev A.E., Volpyas V.A., Platonov R.A., Altynnikov A.G., Kozyrev A.B. Method for the formation of thin films with a given stoichiometric distribution of the composition over the thickness. Nanotechnology: development and applications – XXI century. 2023. V. 15. № 1. P. 32–40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j22250980-202301-03 (in Russian)
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